Outreach & Service

AWM FSU Study Session at the Strozier Library Starbucks Association for Women in Mathematics Student Chapter at FSU — AWM FSU aims to provide a support system for women in STEM so they may more easily pursue higher education and careers in STEM fields. To achieve this goal, we hold a variety of social, educational, and academic meetings to bring all members of the department together in supporting their underrepresented peers and colleagues. To see examples of some of our past events and to learn more about our chapter, please visit the AWM FSU website!
FSU GSC members for the 2021-2022 academic year Graduate Student Council, FSU Math Department — Members of the Graduate Student Council serve as liaisons between the Department of Mathematics and the greater math graduate student population. Primary activities include helping with the ease of transition for incoming graduate students and interacting with prospective students to answer their questions about the department. Additionally, we provide active volunteers to help with department events, such as new student orientatation and Graduate Student Research Week. For further details on activities or to contact a current GSC member, please visit the FSU GSC website!
FSU Math Fun Day Logo - a snail with Fibonacci spiral shell blowing a circuluar bubble displaying the digits of pi along its perimeter Math Fun Day at FSU — Math Fun Day is an open house event filled with exciting rooms overflowing with fun math puzzles, crafts, and games! Past activities included origami, fractal paper sculptures, binary code bracelets, and much more! This event is open to anyone, K-12 and beyond, with all activities being free to the public. Check out the Math Fun Day homepage for details about upcoming events. Also check out the FaceBook page for fun photos from previous events!
Grad Students and Grad Chair promote the math department at the JMM 2020 Grad School Fair FSU Math Department Outreach — Whenever the opportunity arises, I love being able to promote the FSU Math Department and meet prospective graduate students. I have had the pleasure of representing our department at the 2022 Troy MathFest Undergraduate Mathematics Conference, the 2021 UF Professional and Graduate Schools Fair, and the JMM 2020 Graduate School Fair (pictured here). If you happen to be an undergrad interested in graduate school at FSU and want to learn more about what it's like or have any questions, please feel free to email me!